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Cave Mountain

New Hampshire > WM: Bartlett / Jackso…


Not really a mountain at all but that's what people call it. Hardly a prime destination but one spectacular climb awaits. Easy approach yet secluded. It can get buggy but good swimming is at the car park.

Getting There

Heading north towards Bartlett/ Attitash, take a right at the "Town Center", directly across from bear Notch Road. Cross the river and park at the trail head. 15 minutes up to the Cave.

Routes from Left to Right

5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Leaves of grass
Trad, TR
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a
All Banged Up
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a
Roofer Madness
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Leaves of grass
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad, TR
All Banged Up
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a Trad
Roofer Madness
5.11+ 7a 24 VIII 24 E4 6a Trad

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Devon Climbing Roofer Madness. Figured this would serve as a better cover for the area than what is currently available.
[Hide Photo] Devon Climbing Roofer Madness. Figured this would serve as a better cover for the area than what is currently available.
Gang bang 5.11+? to the left coming to picture top, and Roofer Madness 5.11+ to the right
[Hide Photo] Gang bang 5.11+? to the left coming to picture top, and Roofer Madness 5.11+ to the right

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Peter Lewis
Bridgton, ME
[Hide Comment] What a disgusting little cliff (and I mean that as a term of endearment). Spent many a grovelly day up there with JT in the 80's. If the internet had been around then I'm sure we would have just stayed home watching reruns of The Gilmore Girls. Bring tape, and probably a rototiller.... Jan 5, 2017