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Backside of Upper Mound/ Wounded Knee area (Northern cluster of boulders)

New Mexico > Albuquerque Area > Foothills Bould… > U-Mound


Cool, north-exposed problems down the back-side. A great place to boulder on warmer/ sunnier days.

Getting There

From the north end of the corridor (just above and to the west of the upper cluster - see map and separate description), continue due north down the hill. The trail veers slightly right (east), then curves back around to the left (west) before reaching the bottom of the hill. Continue straight west (toward town) about 20 meters until you come to a tall, square rock with a vertical north face. This is "wounded knee" boulder, named for a nasty starting foothold that loves to spit feet off and cause knee trauma. A nice big juniper sits just to the north of the rock, and makes for a great little private bouldering den.
Continue west past wounded knee, and immediately turn up to the left (south), and climb up to the podium where "Driftwood" and the "Pizza Crack" are located.
From "Driftwood," there is a little corridor to the left (east) which has a fun V4 on the south wall, and an easier slabby problem on the north wall.

Routes from Left to Right

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North cluster overview:<br>
Boulder to the left/foreground is "Wounded Knee," with the V2 namesake on the right. The V4 arete is on the left skyline. There are also chalked holds up the middle of the face, along the crack, but that line is not nearly as good as the two pictured.<br>
Dan is standing in the podium area with "Driftwood" (V4 start via the arched crack; V6/7 direct start) and the "Pizza Crack" (V2/3, partially obscured) behind him. The arrow points toward the hidden mini-corridor with the fun/awkward V4.<br>
The trail from the upper cluster/ upper corridor (not to be confused with the hidden corridor next to Dan) brings you down past wounded knee in the left hand foreground, and crosses just in front of the boulder.
[Hide Photo] North cluster overview: Boulder to the left/foreground is "Wounded Knee," with the V2 namesake on the right. The V4 arete is on the left skyline. There are also chalked holds up the middle of the…

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LeeAB Brinckerhoff
Austin, TX
[Hide Comment] Also refered to as the Backside of Upper Mound, or the Wounded Knee Area. Feb 26, 2009