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Abraxas Wall
> Southeast Utah
> Kane Springs Canyon
Access Issue: RAIN, WET ROCK and RAPTOR CLOSURES: The sandstone around Moab is fragile and is very easily damaged when it is wet. Also please ask and be aware of Raptor Closures in areas such as CAT WALL and RESERVOIR WALL in Indian Creek
WET ROCK: Holds rip off and climbs have been and will continue to be permanently damaged due to climbers not respecting this phenomenon. After a heavy storm the rock will remain wet, sometimes for several days. PLEASE DO NOT CLIMB IN MOAB during or after rain.
RAPTOR CLOSURES: please be aware of seasonal raptor closures. They occur annually in the spring.
The wall is south facing so it isn't a very good summer area, but is great for the winter mornings.
Getting There
The wall is just down steam and across the canyon from the Amasa back trailhead. Park in the main parking lot before you pass Abraxas. Walk past the outhouse and look for a trail It is the obvious prow like area on the right as you look at the large alcove from the trailhead. There are multiple good, clean, one to two pitch crack climbs
[Hide Photo] Climbers on the Abraxas Wall. Took these pictures after leaving the Ice Cream Parlor on 2/2. If anyone knows who they are I have a few more pics I took with the telephoto.
[Hide Photo] Abraxes Wall from the Amasa Back trail
[Hide Photo] Pick up the trail behind the outhouse and follow the bike trail for a couple hundred feet until you get to the cairn. Go right at the cairn.
[Hide Photo] East side of the crag from the parking lot. Abraxas tower with the "nose"
[Hide Photo] Very rough drawing of approach to crag
Abraxas is the correct spelling. Jan 25, 2011
Carbondale, CO
Fort Collins, CO