> Central-W Casca…
> Skykomish Valley
> Index
> Lookout Point Area
This 100' high cliff contains high-quality moderate crack climbs, difficult face and crack climbs, and several sport routes. The rock is excellent and this wall has much fewer people than the Lower Town Wall. It is surrounded by thick forest and the left side of the wall is shady at the base.
Park somewhere in town (e.g., next to Dolittle Park), walk to the railroad crossing, then down the railroad tracks (wall-side). Midway through the bend, look on the right for a trail that goes down a little to cross a small wooden bridge. This trail goes to Private Idaho, Rattletale, Lookout Point, Duck Wall, the Diamond, as well as some popular boulders.
The trail meanders through deep forest, heading up to a crest. At this crest, the trail left goes to Zelda boulders, but the main trail goes right and remains fairly level until reaching Midnite boulder. Just before this boulder, a trail to Hag goes off right. The main trail passes left of this boulder, then starts ascending through wooded talus. Soon thereafter is a T-junction; the trail to the left goes to Rattletale (and a way to Duck Wall & the Diamond), the trail to the right goes to Private Idaho, Hag Crag, Lookout Point, Duck Wall & the Diamond area. After a few more minutes of ascending overgrown talus, a trail takes off right (just below the 'Brad Driscoll' outcrop). This trail skirts below Private Idaho and provides access to all of the routes.