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Upper Blues Boulders
> Boulder
> Flatirons
> South
Access Issue: 2024 Crag Closures & Temporary Trail and Raptor Closures
This secluded little bouldering area hidden in the woods of the South Flatirons is a great place to get away. Problems range from V0 to V8 on short to highball boulders with everything in between.
Getting There
The approach starts at the South Mesa Trailhead off of Hwy 170. Follow the South Mesa Trail north until you get to the Big Bluestem trail (about 20 to 30 minutes) and then follow this trail for about another 20 minutes staying left where it splits. When Big Bluestem T's into South Mesa again go right about 60 to 80 feet and then head up a gully to your left. There is no trail at this point and it is easiest to stay on the right side of the gully instead of directly in it. All of the boulders are located in or right next to this gully. This approach takes about one hour depending on what boulders your going to and watch out for posion ivy in the gully.
[Hide Photo] John Baldwin on the F.A. of Moonbeam. Photo by Bob Horan.
[Hide Photo] Incredible boulders right before the trail climbs the hill. The Altruist, V13. Cover of the FRange Bouldering guide
[Hide Photo] The thin starting holds on Moonbeam. Photo by Bob Horan.
San Golderino, Calirado