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Q) The Mungolian Wall

W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Endless Wall
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Poison Ivy!!!
There is a Stalactite that fell from the cliff ino the trail and is embedded vertically in the ground, it'll mark the area, let you know you are there.
Collection of sport and trad lines from 5.12 to 5.8 here.

Getting There

Immediately west of the Miner's Ladders.

Routes from Left to Right

5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
Big Gulp
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b
Blue Angel
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c
Welcome to Mungolia
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Big Gulp
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad
Blue Angel
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b Sport
Welcome to Mungolia
5.11b 6c 23 VIII- 23 E3 5c Sport
5.11a 6c 22 VII+ 22 E3 5c Sport
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b Sport

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Monty hanging out by the stalactite
[Hide Photo] Monty hanging out by the stalactite