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The Tombstones
> Los Angeles Basin
> Angeles Nationa…
> Williamson Rock
Access Issue: Williamson Rock is currently closed to climbing.
Williamson Rock is under a temporary closure to all recreational uses, including climbing, pursuant to a ruling by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service that the area is critical habitat for the endangered yellow-legged mountain frog. Efforts by the non-profit organization Friends of Williamson Rock, in conjunction with the U.S. Forest Service, are underway to regain climbing access to Williamson. For information on the status of these efforts, and to learn how you can help, contact the Friends of Williamson Rock: Per the Access Fund's update, in 2017 the Forest Service hopes to begin an environmental study of the impact of allowing limited climbing to resume. In the meantime, the Forest Service supervisor has extended the closure until January, 2017.
Home of the new "Hell Cave" routes, some of Williamson's best 5.12's.