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Pirate's Cove (aka The Beach or Corona Del Mar)

California > Los Angeles Basin > Beaches > Corona Del Mar
Warning Access Issue: Summer climbing times restricted DetailsDrop down


Shade and Sun. Best times are late in the day after the cliff has had some time to dry out. The climbing here is characterized by sandstone caves that come out into a short cliff. The sandstone is typically juggy. It can be VERY greasy. Recommended to bring shoes, chalkbag, brush for holds, towel to clean off shoes and get sand out of your eyes. Awesome landings onto soft sand beach. No need for a crashpad in many spots.

Craig Fry's "Southern California Bouldering Guide, 2nd edition" has this area listed and info.

Getting There

Drive to Corona Del Mar State Beach. There is free parking along the roads that run along the beach or pay parking inside the park. The Cliff is located at the extreme west side of the beach. If you're in the beach parking lot head west past the picnic area and scramble over the rocks to a staircase that leads down the cliff to the beach and bouldering.

Routes from Left to Right

V1 5
Jelly bean
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3
Knob City
V0 4
Pin Scar
V2-3 5+
Pin Scar Direct
V4 6B
Poodle Press
V3-4 6A+
Jumpluff Traverse
V4- 6B
V6 7A
Piss Take
V2 5+
My Dog Ringo.
V1-2 5
Wet Toes
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3
The Layback
V4-5 6B+
Trad, Boulder
V2 5+
Crystal Clear
V3 6A
Italian Fall
Trad, Boulder
V4 6B
Shark's Tooth
Trad, Boulder
V6 7A
Captain Hook Arete
V4+ 6B+
V7 7A+
Roman Engineering
V4-5 6B+
Chips Ahoy
V3- 6A PG13
Not Even Chips (and reverse)
V2 5+
Not Even
V1 5
Green Burrito
V0+ 4+ PG13
Slip and Slide 5.5
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a
Rib Romp
V0 4
Dave's Problem
Trad, Boulder
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
The Pyramid
V0 4 PG13
Pin Hole
V0 4 PG13
Fale Problem
V0 4
Hinge Indirect
V4 6B
Hinge Direct
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a V0 4
The Hinge
V2 5+ PG13
C.F.'s Edge Crank
V1 5 R
Head Above the Stairs
V2 5+
Little Ricky
Trad, Boulder
V4 6B
Big Ricky
Trad, Boulder
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3
Baby Ricky
Trad, Boulder
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b V-easy 3
V0+ 4+
Gather Up
V4 6B
Ecto the Collector
V1 5
Onion Man
V1 5
Diamond Man Dyno
V4 6B
Diamond Man
V5 6C
Diamond Man Extension
V3 6A
Iron Man
V7 7A+
Paper Boy
V3-4 6A+
Nowhere Man
V0+ 4+
Tin Man
V1 5
Sand Gully
V0+ 4+
High Over Beached Whales
Trad, Boulder
V0 4
The Shelf
Trad, Boulder
V1+ 5 PG13
Courtney's side
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Jelly bean
V1 5 Boulder
Knob City
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3 Boulder
Pin Scar
V0 4 Boulder
Pin Scar Direct
V2-3 5+ Boulder
Poodle Press
V4 6B Boulder
Jumpluff Traverse
V3-4 6A+ Boulder
V4- 6B Boulder
Piss Take
V6 7A Boulder
My Dog Ringo.
V2 5+ Boulder
Wet Toes
V1-2 5 Boulder
The Layback
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3 Boulder
V4-5 6B+ Trad, Boulder
Crystal Clear
V2 5+ Boulder
Italian Fall
V3 6A Trad, Boulder
Shark's Tooth
V4 6B Trad, Boulder
Captain Hook Arete
V6 7A Boulder
V4+ 6B+ Boulder
Roman Engineering
V7 7A+ Boulder
Chips Ahoy
V4-5 6B+ Boulder
Not Even Chips (and reverse)
V3- 6A PG13 Boulder
Not Even
V2 5+ Boulder
Green Burrito
V1 5 Boulder
Slip and Slide 5.5
V0+ 4+ PG13 Boulder
Rib Romp
5.9 5c 17 VI 17 HVS 5a Trad
Dave's Problem
V0 4 Trad, Boulder
The Pyramid
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad
Pin Hole
V0 4 PG13 Boulder
Fale Problem
V0 4 PG13 Boulder
Hinge Indirect
V0 4 Boulder
Hinge Direct
V4 6B Boulder
The Hinge
5.9+ 5c 17 VI 17 E1 5a V0 4 Boulder
C.F.'s Edge Crank
V2 5+ PG13 Boulder
Head Above the Stairs
V1 5 R Boulder
Little Ricky
V2 5+ Trad, Boulder
Big Ricky
V4 6B Trad, Boulder
Baby Ricky
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c V-easy 3 Trad, Boulder
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b V-easy 3 Boulder
Gather Up
V0+ 4+ Boulder
Ecto the Collector
V4 6B Boulder
Onion Man
V1 5 Boulder
Diamond Man Dyno
V1 5 Boulder
Diamond Man
V4 6B Boulder
Diamond Man Extension
V5 6C Boulder
Iron Man
V3 6A Boulder
Paper Boy
V7 7A+ Boulder
Nowhere Man
V3-4 6A+ Boulder
Tin Man
V0+ 4+ Boulder
Sand Gully
V1 5 Boulder
High Over Beached Whales
V0+ 4+ Trad, Boulder
The Shelf
V0 4 Trad, Boulder
Courtney's side
V1+ 5 PG13 Boulder

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

AJ, Melinda, and Sebastian climbing in Corona Del Mar
[Hide Photo] AJ, Melinda, and Sebastian climbing in Corona Del Mar
Sandman V3+ <br>
I don't know if this route already exist but if it does please correct me and make the changes as you wish.
[Hide Photo] Sandman V3+ I don't know if this route already exist but if it does please correct me and make the changes as you wish.
Top roping
[Hide Photo] Top roping
Rock Fall Feb 2019 (Routes Lost: Not Even & Chips Ahoy)
[Hide Photo] Rock Fall Feb 2019 (Routes Lost: Not Even & Chips Ahoy)
From afar
[Hide Photo] From afar
[Hide Photo] ironman
Feels like Thailand at higher tide
[Hide Photo] Feels like Thailand at higher tide
City Ordinance Crack 5.11+ 1980s.
[Hide Photo] City Ordinance Crack 5.11+ 1980s.
CDM at sunset
[Hide Photo] CDM at sunset
Looking down at Pirate's Cove (Corona Del Mar Beach, AKA The Beach)
[Hide Photo] Looking down at Pirate's Cove (Corona Del Mar Beach, AKA The Beach)
Caves further left (north) of staircase.
[Hide Photo] Caves further left (north) of staircase.
Caves left of staircase.
[Hide Photo] Caves left of staircase.

Comments [Hide ALL Comments]

[Hide Comment] Climbing only works when you go for it, and it's harder to go for it when sand is covering everything. That said, bouldering on the beach is pretty novel and the place has some real charms. Many low-grade problems are available too if you want to be conservative and just have fun. Sep 20, 2013
Jacob S.
Garden Grove, CA
[Hide Comment] Despite the conditions that can sometimes make it a difficult place to climb (e.g. sand and rock moisture make gripping the rock difficult), Corona del Mar (Pirates Cove) is an awesome place for anyone in the area to come check out.

There are a bunch of climbs with varying degrees of difficulty. The sand, which can sometimes make climbing difficult, also provides a softer landing area than most other outdoor areas.

During the summer, it's a great place to come climb during the weekdays, but I wouldn't recommend going until after 5 pm. Anytime before then, the beach is packed with beach goers.

It's not often that you find a place like this. It's easily accessible, it's scenic, and it's go a lot of history to it. If anyone didn't know some of the history behind Pirates Cove, you should check out the article below.

If you plan on checking Pirates Cove out, I would recommend bringing a towel to stand on before you get on a problem and a larger brush of some sort to wipe the sand off your shoes before getting on the rock. Also, most of the people who climb there regularly are pretty friendly so don't hesitate to ask someone for help if you need it!

Also, check the weather conditions before heading over. Ideally, you will want a low tide, low humidity, and a nice breeze. But otherwise, as long as the sun is out, there will be an area that is good to climb.

This is a pretty cool place with a lot to offer if your just starting out or you're an intermediate climber. Definitely worth checking out if you're passing through or live in the area.

Article written by John Long about the history of Pirates Cove:… Jan 6, 2014
Matthew Fienup
Santa Rosa Valley, CA
[Hide Comment] Don't even think about climbing here on weekends, anytime it's warm or between late Spring and early Fall. The crowds are insane. On the June weekday that I visited, I could not have begun any route without stepping off of a sun bathing tourist. Each of the caves was packed wall-to-wall with bodies.

Welcome to Orange County
Jun 28, 2014
Brad Alexander
Rancho Santa Margarita
[Hide Comment] Here is a fun video I did with some friends featuring 10 climbs at Pirates. Aug 3, 2014
Fat Dad
Los Angeles, CA
[Hide Comment] Although climbing at The Beach is very condition dependent (lots of posts saying just that), the rock is generally good quality. There are some places in the tall, middle portion of the cliff that are grainier and looser, but that's pretty obvious once you get there. Let's put it this way. I started climbing there more than 30 yrs. ago and, although it's sandstone, the holds on really popular climbs like Iron Man and The Hinge have not changed one bit.

So, once and for all, here's the beta on The Beach.
1. Climb after 5 p.m. or so after the crowds and lifeguards have left.
2. Don't climb on weekends.
3. Don't climb when it's foggy. The best days are sunny, dry days. Santa Ana conditions are optimal.
4. Check the tide tables before you climb or the base of the routes may be washed by waves.
5. Bring a toothbrush (for the sand, not chalk).
6. Bring a good attitude and enjoy. Like most areas, Tuesdays and Thursday bring out the locals, who are usually happy to provide beta. Oct 30, 2014
[Hide Comment] Its a beach climbing spot with cool problems. I would recommend someone to check this place out, but like the others have mentioned, bring some essentials. Towel to wipe your feet down before starting a climb and a brush to wipe the sand off some areas. Aug 8, 2015
[Hide Comment] I'm not sure if the routes are listed here, but the rock that is just maybe 30ft off the beach in the water is a fun place to climb. I have traversed this rock many times over the years as it is fun to climb up, jump off, and continue climbing. HOWEVER, one time while I was traversing, a hold broke off and I fell; obviously wouldn't be a problem due to the water landing, however on the South East face of the rock there are other rocks surrounding it. I fell, hit my back on the smaller rocks, and splashed in the water. I was fine, but had I hit the rock on my head and gotten knocked out, I could have easily drowned.

Be careful on the rock in the water and watch for loose holds! Jun 20, 2016
Nathan Walton
Tucson, AZ
[Hide Comment] just got done with a quick session while visiting a friend in the area. definitely worth a stop if passing through orange county. comes with a free peanut gallery if you like climbing for a crowd. overall can't beat the general ambiance for some urban bouldering in a cool little spot. even had some fun watching several people get baptized while i was there Jun 2, 2017
[Hide Comment] Super fun place to come climb. I'd highly recommend this place for people just getting started bouldering outdoors -- sand stone makes for nice holds, sandy beach makes for nice landings, and there's a high concentration of problems in the VB-V2 range (and amazingly enough they're not totally sandbagged -- in fact I'd lean towards saying this area is graded fairly soft by SoCal standards).

I've had a lot of luck climbing here on weekends in the Fall and Spring -- just check the tide charts, come after 5, and be prepared to get funny looks from non-climbing beach-goers.

As an added bonus, there's a Chronic Tacos super close-by on PCH. Bouldering on the beach with close proximity to burritos - what more could you possibly want?! Apr 13, 2018
Roberto Gutierrez
Salt Lake City
[Hide Comment] Hello, Just posting a recent rock fall here. Not Even… and Chips Ahoy… fell off the wall in a storm on Feb 2nd, 2019. Feb 5, 2019
[Hide Comment] Awesome place to hang out with friends and boulder I went there 3 to 4 evenings a week in the 70s and always had a great workout Mar 24, 2019
[Hide Comment] Gross, dirty beach but that's to be expected when it's in the harbor and has a stream of trash directly flowing into the cave lol. The climbs were fun and hard (we're beginners) with interesting holds. The rock is super sandy so you will get sand in your eyes at some point but we had a good time. If you live close this is a good spot to come to periodically to test your skills and see if you've improved. I wouldn't recommend swimming here, it's one of the nastier beaches in socal so just don't. Also WEAR SHOES at all times on this beach! My friend stepped on something very sharp near the water and got an infection and had to go to the emergency room. So definitely proceed with caution at this beach and just stick to the climbing! Aug 21, 2019
Brad Alexander
Rancho Santa Margarita
Michael Brown
Wheeling, WV
[Hide Comment] What grade/name is the overhanging arete just right of Sharks tooth?! Managed to do all the moves from the sit but was too soggy to send. Feels pretty hard but it’s oddly not on this page. May 11, 2021
Riverside, CA
[Hide Comment] Michael- that arête is/was called Pegasus but the rockfall a few years back completely changed the problem. It's possible no one has climbed it since the breakage. Sep 24, 2021
[Hide Comment] A great hang with half-decent boulders that seem to be falling apart as you watch. Lots of features have fallen off over the years. The central cave (right of Italian Fall and Shark's Tooth) has lost a huge chunk of its roof.

It seems like people Most of the problems are unclimbable with how sandy and moist they've become without regular use. The driest spot seems to be the opposite side of the beach from the stairs in the small cave.

Seems to need some community upkeep to keep the sand off the walls. Nov 27, 2022