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p. Little Havana

New York > Gunks > Peterskill


Small area, but a good alternative when the larger areas are taken. Very shady, good photo-ops, relatively straightforward gear anchors. Routes in the 5.5-5.10 range. Watch out for wasps.

Getting There

Exit upper parking lot far end, walk through meadow and past stream, come to large clearing. Make a right on carriage road, then left at the immediate fork. About 50 feet down on the left, there's a blue/yellow-blazed access trail heading towards what looks like a jumbled corner. Follow that trail up and to the right. When you see a dihedral with a small alcove and large chockstone about 30 feet up with a large roof just ahead, you've arrived.

Routes from Left to Right

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Topo of the Lower Peter's Kill cliffs. The one from the guidebook has some misleading/inaccurate information. PM me if you have any suggestions for improvement for this one.
[Hide Photo] Topo of the Lower Peter's Kill cliffs. The one from the guidebook has some misleading/inaccurate information. PM me if you have any suggestions for improvement for this one.