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(03) The Franks

New Mexico > Albuquerque Area > Palomas Peak


This area is named for the German Frankenjura because that is where you will wish you were once you attempt these sub-par routes. 

** All routes are equipped with steel lowering hardware. Please avoid toproping through the lowering hardware as both gates of the hooks are oriented facing forward and don't offer sufficient protection for toproping. Instead, build your own anchor with personal gear and have only the last person lower off the fixed lowering hardware.

Getting There

This area is immediately after "The Slab", which is the ultra steep and overhung wall just past the "Entrance Area"

Routes from Left to Right

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Sick Man 5.14b Photo By Dan West
[Hide Photo] Sick Man 5.14b Photo By Dan West
Looking west from the middle of The Franks wall
[Hide Photo] Looking west from the middle of The Franks wall
Start of The Franks wall
[Hide Photo] Start of The Franks wall
Start of the Franks Wall
[Hide Photo] Start of the Franks Wall

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[Hide Comment] Does anyone have info on the route between Dark Dreams and Junkhead? It's listed as "5.13 project" in the Jackson book (also mentioned in the online guide). It's basically a boulder problem on thin vertical pockets to a jug to a crack.

Nov 22, 2013