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Triple Cracks Sanctuary

Texas > Enchanted Rock… > Echo Canyon
Warning Access Issue: Rule changes for pets and trail closures 30 minutes after sunset DetailsDrop down


The Triple Cracks Sanctuary is located on the left side of the Echo Canyon area. It is home to the best concentration of moderate crack climbs in the park. It is also well shaded, making it a good summer destination. The climbs are deservedly popular, and the area is small, so expect crowds when there are a lot of climbers in the park. Owl Crack (5.8+) and Middle Crack (5.8) are the two highlights. The Triple Cracks area also provides the easiest path to the Smorgasbord Area - a small slot behind Grass Crack.

Getting There

From the base of Echo Canyon, hike up the green climbers' trail. The trail will take you to an opening between Table Top and Rappeller's Rock. Continue through this opening to a wall with three roughly parallel cracks in it.

Routes from Left to Right

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When you get to the big boulder at the top of the trail, go THAT way (right).
[Hide Photo] When you get to the big boulder at the top of the trail, go THAT way (right).
Triple cracks baby!
[Hide Photo] Triple cracks baby!
Two of the Triple Cracks - Becky's Crack (left) and Middle Crack (right).
[Hide Photo] Two of the Triple Cracks - Becky's Crack (left) and Middle Crack (right).

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Phillip Tearse
Denver, CO
[Hide Comment] Fun area for some quality crack climbing. Note that the only anchors in the area are on top of Grass Crack on the far left, so if you want to TR stuff you will have to build your own anchors at the top of the various lines and then deal with some shenanigans traversing over (easier the higher you go) to the grass crack anchors in order to clean your gear. Alternatively you can walk off over the top of the dome (4th class but kinda sketch). May 18, 2013
[Hide Comment] The traditional descent from Triple Cracks was to down climb the low 5th class dihedral behind the belay alcove and then down climb the Smorgasbord dihedral and slab to the large boulder (by Rapeller's Rock) overlooking the base. Best exit is underneath that boulder though other options exist. Jun 30, 2015
Ted Pinson
Chicago, IL
[Hide Comment] So we actually found the directions a bit confusing and got a little lost, although we did eventually find it. The trouble is that if you don't know what "rapeller's rock" is, it doesn't make a great landmark. Also, there is a fork at the second green trail sign, although both seem to get you there (I think the right one was better). Anyways, the trail basically dead ends into a big boulder (Rapeller's?), which is where you go RIGHT (downhill). I attached a photo for the out-of-town/new folks. Jul 7, 2017
Daniel Rickert
Golden, CO
[Hide Comment] This is a great area! Owl Crack is one of my favorite routes in the park, but honestly they are all fun. The routes are all fairly well protected too, which makes it a great spot to come if your head game is not top notch that day. Mar 21, 2020