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Center Wall

Texas > Enchanted Rock… > Main Dome
Warning Access Issue: Rule changes for pets and trail closures 30 minutes after sunset DetailsDrop down


Center Wall is the area between News Wall and the Smorgasbord Area. The left side is marked by an overlap that starts just right of Pro Sweat (see the entry for News Wall) which arcs up and right (Chunky Tuna, 5.5). The right side is marked by a wide fissure that climbs up and right (Strawberry Jam, 5.3 - actually part of Smorgasbord). In between are a hand full of short, rarely climbed routes. Chunky Tuna and Mercy Street are the only two that start from the ground. The rest all require some easy scrambling to reach.

Getting There

The easiest way to reach the climbs on the Center Wall is to head to the News Wall. From Echo Canyon, follow the wide hiking trail around the back side of the Main Dome until you reach the blue trail marker. Take the blue trail up to the base of the wall (directly below Sweat) and turn right. Follow the wall keeping an eye on the features above you. Good landmarks are the overlap that marks the start of Chunky Tuna, the top of the overlap (Caver's Nightmare), and a short dihedral with a pair of cracks high on the dome (Zig Zag and Slam Bam...). It's also possible to reach the climbs by following the wall from the Smorgasbord Area, but there's more bush whacking involved, and it's easy to get turned around in the maze of boulders below the wall.

Routes from Left to Right

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Lost Wall/Center Wall Trail as seen from the Backside Trail.  Slam Bam Thank You Ma'am is the prominent dihedral in the upper left of the pic.
[Hide Photo] Lost Wall/Center Wall Trail as seen from the Backside Trail. Slam Bam Thank You Ma'am is the prominent dihedral in the upper left of the pic.