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Elevation: 8,733 ft 2,662 m
GPS: 40.40548, -105.53017
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Page Views: 35,061 total · 156/month
Shared By: Tony B on Aug 20, 2006
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC
Warning Access Issue: 2024 Partial Seasonal Raptor Closures lifted 7/21/24 DetailsDrop down

Description Suggest change

Batman Pinnacle is a nice crag with a nice variety of climbing on it. The main face gets mid-day sun all year and sun from at least mid-morning to late day for the warmer months, as it primarily faces South. While the crag is somewhat secluded and guarded by a less-than-discrete trail with many false branches and turns, it still gets heavy traffic for one route: Batman and Robin (5.6).

This climb is pretty good, but it has somehow reached the mythical 'classic status' despite having little remarkable about it. Good rock, good pro, good moves... more "accessible" than classic.
Other routes there are infrequently traveled but good, if you like small holds on vertical walls. Robin's Secret and Bat Flake are good butt-kickers. Wear your edging shoes or suffer on these.

Up top and just to the East Side, of the Pinnacle's summit, the short and obscure route "Within Reach" can provide a last minute diversion before hiking down from the rock's summit-notch between this and Batman Rock.

To descend from the summit, rap 50' N (N to the base of "Within Reach" (10a)) and scramble down and East from there to a gully, that if continued SE and then SW will take you back to the base without much effort or danger. Still, hiking shoes are best on this gravel and terrain. From the Bat Flake, rap down once ~27 meters (50m rope doubtable) to the south, staying slightly left, to a set of slings on a horn, then 20 perhaps meters to the ground. Keep and eye on the rope, as there is frequently water at the base here, when a rock-spring runs or weeps down to fill it just left of the rap line.

Note, Bat Flake is separated out for clarity in the database.

Getting There Suggest change

From the new parking lot, take the west trail towards the old Twin Owls parking lot ~0.6 miles. Hike in on the higher trail (right) directly from the west end of the old Twin Owls parking lot. Follow well placed signs to Batman and Checkerboard Rock. At a final signed junction, go left for Batman Pinnacle and Checkerboard Rock or right for Batman Rock. The chunky square-ish top just below the Southern base of Batman Rock is the beacon, about 550' above the base.... Cairns mark the last bit through a talus field after crossing below the base of Checkerboard Rock. Alternatively, start and do the approach as for Batman Rock, but when below its Eastwardly base and about level in elevation (and perhaps 100 meters away), cut down and left above Checkerboard Rock and then down to the South to reach the base. Again, let the square spire atop the pinnacle be your guide and TRY to stay on trail.... ~45-60 minutes to approach, ~40-45 minutes to return.

2019 update from a comment Per L Kap: from the parking lot, take the normal trail west toward Twin Owls, the Book, Sundance, etc. Follow the signage toward Batman Rock. The first split you will take off the main trail is right by a wag bag station. Keep following the signage at the splits until you reach Batman Rock. As of 2019, there are so many cairns all along the trail, it's almost an affront. Continue on the trail past the "thumb" at the base of Batman Rock (this is not Batman Pinnacle). After the thumb, the trail will dip down, wind around the left side of a big, rectangular boulder, and head uphill through a talus field, half of which is actually steps rather than rock-hopping. The trail brings you up to the face at Batman and Robin, by two downed dead trees.

A 2021 update from a comment: to find the improved trail to Batman from the main Lumpy trail from the main trail, follow the sign that says Batman Rock, then go left twice at forks that come up quickly. You may not see any more signs, until you get way up to the sign for Batman Pinnacle.

At the beginning. remember to take two left forks

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Classic Climbing Routes at Batman Pinnacle

Mountain Project's determination of the classic, most popular, highest rated climbing routes in this area.
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Batman and Robin
Trad 4 pitches
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Batman and Robin
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad 4 pitches
More Classic Climbs in Batman Pinnacle »

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