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Assassin Wall

Utah > Northeast Utah > Uinta Mountains > Ruth Lake
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


A nice little wall with a nice mix of climbing, from 5.6 - 10a

Getting There

Just left and down trail (slightly) from Memorial Wall.

Routes from Left to Right

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The Assassin wall (Matty Coles' picture is actually of the Last Stand Wall) with rough route's drawn to the best of my knowledge.

1. Power Boy 5.8+
2. Uinta Hit Squad 5.9
3. DQM or IKYRN 5.10a
4. Bring on the Clowns 5.6
5. Uncle Charlie's Crack 5.8
[Hide Photo] The Assassin wall (Matty Coles' picture is actually of the Last Stand Wall) with rough route's drawn to the best of my knowledge. 1. Power Boy 5.8+ 2. Uinta Hit Squad 5.9 3. DQM or IKYRN 5.10a…
Assassin Wall
[Hide Photo] Assassin Wall

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Court Skabelund
Salt Lake City, UT
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Power Boy S 5.8+
Uinta Hit Squad S 5.9
Don't Question Me or
I'll Kill you Right Now S 5.10a
Bring on the Clowns S 5.6
Uncle Charlie's Crack T/TR 5.8+ Aug 3, 2015
Evanston WY
[Hide Comment] This is a great wall. A few quality easier climbs, hit squad being my favorite. Great warm up area. If bringing newer climbers, I find the routes here to be better quality and taller than those at chief wall, if you're up to the extra 10 minute walk. Oct 22, 2023