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Colorado > CO Ice & Mixed

Ice Climbing

Really only one climb here, the Hessie Chimney, but it's a great one. Some variations might firm in a really good year.

Another route has been submitted since the original area submission.

Getting There

Drive to the end of the road, past the little town of Eldora, and hike, ski or snowshoe about half a mile to the road junction. The right-hand fork is the road to Fourth of July Campground, the left leads to Hessie Trailhead. The cliff in question is visible to the right. Approaching via Fourth of July road allows you to scope conditions before making the final arduous approach. However, a snowshoe trail frequently can be found in the valley by starting down the trail from Hessie until you cross a large wooden bridge over the creek. Look for tracks to the right. Either way, you'll face a nasty talus slope up to the climb.

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Hessie Chimney from the 4th of July road, Jan. 06
[Hide Photo] Hessie Chimney from the 4th of July road, Jan. 06

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[Hide Comment] There are pictures of the Hessie Chimney in Eldora during a somewhat fatter year at:…

Only the first pitch is, and it's been seeing a lot of traffic. Jan 22, 2003
[Hide Comment] Not surprisingly, Hessie is bone dry. Cold, two inches of snow on the ground, a few icicles forming on dome. Will need big snowfalls... Nov 7, 2003
[Hide Comment] Climbed here on Wed, and had a great time. However, we should have just gone in the summer as it was real cold and there was no ice.

Great climb and worth doing. Dec 3, 2004