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Yellow Peril Wall

Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Big Cottonwood Canyon


All trad or top-rope climbs that face the east on perfect edging vertical quartzite. Very enjoyable climbing, notwithstanding the lack of protection, the bad belay ledge, and the lack of anchors.

Getting There

Park at Ledgemere, and hike in and west. Go to the last sites, and hike up the talus and cut towards the smooth wall. Scramble (3rd or 4th class) to the belay ledge.

Routes from Left to Right

5.9- 5c 17 VI 16 HVS 4c R
Catch the Wave
Trad, TR
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b X
Buckets to Bangkok
Trad, TR
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b R
Sticks and Stones
Trad, TR
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
One to Forget
Trad, TR
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Catch the Wave
5.9- 5c 17 VI 16 HVS 4c R Trad, TR
Buckets to Bangkok
5.12b 7b 26 VIII+ 26 E5 6b X Trad, TR
Sticks and Stones
5.10d 6b+ 21 VII+ 21 E3 5b R Trad, TR
One to Forget
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad, TR

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view of the yellow peril wall from penitentary
[Hide Photo] view of the yellow peril wall from penitentary

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johann solo
[Hide Comment] Removed the "fixed" line that is not needed and an eye sore. If you would like it back, get a hold of me. Jun 12, 2019