This mixed area sits inside of Mt. Diablo State Park southeast of Walnut Creek, and northeast of Danville. Offering a mixed bag of climbing: trad, top rope, and sport routes are all found here. Additionally, there is some bouldering, but not at the major established climbing areas.
Access to the park will cost you up to $10 per car, so heads up. You can check the park website directly for current prices and information. Parking for the Pine Canyon climbing area is free, but this area is closed for half of the year for peregrine falcon nesting.
Most of the climbing is on sandstone, which makes the sport bolts sketchy, and some of the trad routes absolutely terrifying. It also makes for some fun smearing and edging moves everywhere.
Almost all areas have a simple way to set up a toprope, though you should bring really, really long slings (20' +) for many of the anchors.
Denver, CO
Fairfax, CA
Aug 11, 2012
Santa Barbara
Meadow Vista
San Jose, CA