Type: | Sport |
FA: | Glenn Cilley 1991 |
Page Views: | 8,774 total · 40/month |
Shared By: | Lee Hansche on Feb 21, 2007 |
Admins: | Jay Knower, M Sprague, Jeffrey LeCours, Jonathan S, Robert Hall |
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Climb up and over a few steep bulges trending left. Fun climbing leads to a confounding crux that most people solve by moving left and using a few holds on the corner. If you climb this section directly, it might bump up the grade a smidge. But it is more fun to do it at 5.9. The crux involves a big move to an incut crimp that is often tick-marked.
Being the only 5.9 at the crag, it is also the best 5.9 at the crag so make sure you climb it.
Being the only 5.9 at the crag, it is also the best 5.9 at the crag so make sure you climb it.