Type: Trad, 550 ft (167 m), 4 pitches, Grade II
FA: FFA-P1: Yaniro, Murley (1974) FFA-P3&4: Burrill, Leversee (1976)
Page Views: 20,132 total · 89/month
Shared By: Matthew Fienup on Jul 23, 2006
Admins: Cory B, Matthew Fienup, Muscrat, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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P1 (5.5): Start as for Tree Route. From atop the large Pine Tree, locate a 2-3" crack and follow it up and left. (Alternately, start on the bolted face to the left of Tree Route.) Belay from a shallow horizontal ledge at the start of a stunning finger crack.

P2 (5.9+ sustained): Truly classic!! Follow a left-leaning finger crack that arcs left along a clean slab. The crack starts as solid fingers and slowly tapers down to nothing. Take the time to find decent, sloping footholds out to the left. The crack takes many TCUs & small stoppers. As the crack tapers and disappears, face climb up and left to a hanging-belay from bolts.

P3 (5.10a): Step left and follow an obvious left-facing dihedral. As the corner curves to the right, the crack in the dihedral diminishes. The final 30 feet is the crux and requires small TCUs & stoppers. Belay from the 3-bolt anchor atop Tree Route's 3rd pitch.

P4 (5.6): Follow the final pitch of the Tree Route to a belay beneath an obvious horizontal crack.

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Approach same as Tree Route

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Standard rack with extra TCUs & small Stoppers.

