Type: Sport, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: Jean Delataillade
Page Views: 5,788 total · 25/month
Shared By: Shirtless Mike on Apr 28, 2006
Admins: Jason Halladay, Mike Hoskins, Anna Brown

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This one climbs a little different than most of the climbs on Rad Wall. Start at the right side of the in ground flake, climb through the first 2 bolts enduring a mini crux passing the second bolt. From here beware those aren't jugs like they look like from the ground. 

Head up and slightly right passing the crimpy hard crux, once past that rest when possible and climb through an easier crux towards the top. 

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Start between Stroke Me and Crack Attack. Starts on the right side of a large flake sticking out of the ground.

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Seven bolts to chains with lower biners. As of April 2020, 5th bolt has a fixed cable draw to facilitate cleaning (the leader clips her/his rope into the permadraw on the way down while cleaning) and negates the swing into the trees behind.

As the comments here detail, there used to be a a good run out between bolts 1 and 2 which could result in a kinda ugly fall in that area. However, with the FA's permission, a bolt was added between these two bolts (Spring 2021) in a logical clip stance area making for a much more enjoyable and safe experience. 

