Type: Trad, 150 ft (45 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 6,390 total · 34/month
Shared By: sqwirll on Feb 22, 2009
Admins: Jon Nelson, Micah Klesick, Zachary Winters, Mitchell McAuslan

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Description Suggest change

This pitch has it all from hands,fingers,stemming, and offwidth. It deserves to see more traffic. The route starts out in the right hand of two crack systems. Hand jams lead up to the left facing corner. Continue up the corner (fingers) to the stem box above. Continue stemming and grunting up the wide crack and chimney to the shared anchor (2nd pitch of Avenging the Goddess Kring). 2 single 60m raps or one double rap with get you back to the ground.

Location Suggest change

Start 50' to the left of Rattletale.

Protection Suggest change

Standard rack with gear to 4"-5".

