Type: Trad, 80 ft (24 m) Fixed Hardware (2)
FA: M. Rolofson and Alfredo Len, 11/29/1980
Page Views: 8,838 total · 32/month
Shared By: david goldstein on Dec 31, 2001
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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This route is the obvious, left-facing corner just left of "Hand Crack (aka White Lightning)" on upper West Ridge. The crux is a thin section about 20 feet up that is protected by small RPs. The last 20', a beautiful stemming corner, is also fairly challenging but has much more reassuring protection. Once above this corner, traverse left 5' to the rap slings used by Hand Crack (aka White Lightning). This quality pitch is somewhat diminished by huge ledge between the hard sections and the fact that at some points, including the middle of the crux, it's possible to escape right to Hand Crack (aka White Lightning).

Note that this pitch is easily top roped after doing 5.10 HC.

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Small: 2 each 1-3 RP, 1-4 Rock. A collection of small cams (up to #2 Friend) is also helpful.

